How To Connect IP Cameras To the Cloud and How to Make Use of Cloud Storage?
November 10, 20231- Connect your IP camera to your network.

Bit Rate (transfer speed): For proper streaming of live broadcasts, you need to set the Bit Rate (Transfer speed) to no more than 1024. If a higher rate is set, there may be interruptions in the livestreams. For HD format, your internet infrastructure must be well-developed. It requires an upload speed of at least 8024 Mbit.

Voice Livestream: In order to live stream, the audio system on the Ip camera, your Ip camera must support AAC audio codec.

2-Testing the live stream
Every IP camera has an RTSP link. If you type “brand rtsp link” as an example from RTSP link search engines on the internet, you will see a link like this:
rtsp://admin:[email protected]:554/cam/realmonitor?channel=1&subtype=1
This shows admin:admin – username:password: is your local network Ip address and 554 is the broadcast port.
All cameras generally use the port 554. subtype=1 indicates the sub stream. If you set subtype=0, you will get the main stream.
By typing the related RTSP link via VLC player, the livestream will be received.
You should receive a broadcast similar to the one below. If you cannot get an image, you may need to check the RTSP link again. After completing the processes mentioned above for your IP camera, you need to set up NAT. If you export port 554 of your IP camera, all processes will be completed. See the details for NAT…

By typing the related RTSP link via VLC player, the livestream will be received.

You should receive a publication similar to the one below. If you cannot receive stream, you may need to check the RTSP link again.

. If you export port 554 of your IP camera, all processes will be completed. See the details for NAT…
3- Start Live Streaming
You may test the settings of the camera for free by signing up to the portal at Galata.ai.